By Bob Weaver

A baptism into faith, the ritual of submersion into water, was conducted Sunday evening on the Right Fork of Barnes Run by members of the Cremo Community Church.

Pastor Mollohan asks blessing for baptismal candidates

Cremo church group comes to Barnes
Run for baptism service at Louis Milam residence

Pastor Darrell "Buck" Mollohan of Clay County led the service, calling upon God to further acknowledge the conversion of three members of the congregation. Some churches believe baptism is an appeal to God for a clear conscience, while others believe it is a symbolic washing away of sin.

Pastor Mollohan spoke of the "great blessings bestowed upon those who choose a Christian life." He reminded the young women their lives will be forever changed as they embark on a Christian journey. He asked them to look around the group for the old, white-haired people who have been examples to them. "You will grow-up to replace them," he said.

Baptism rites begin

"Shall we gather at the river"

The submersion

Returning to shore

Church member and longtime Hur-Cremo resident Lula Hughes, a church faithful, recalled attending dozens of baptisms since the 1920's, particularly those conducted by old-time Methodist preacher Rev. Dorsey Miller. Tears flowed down Ms. Hughes face, as prayers were being offered.

About 1950 there was a baptism at Stony Point in the "West Fork" conducted by Rev. Glendon McKee. "I think nearly a hundred people got baptized that day," said Ms. Hughes. "Little Aden Smith of Hur wasn't suppose to be baptized, but he came forward and asked Preacher McKee to baptize him. It was a short time later he died of injuries received in a fire."

Lula Hughes has looked upon many baptisms

Pastor Mollohan asked the congregation to sing "Amazing Grace," and when the candidates were led into the water, the group sang "Shall We Gather at the River."