FLASHBACK 2006: WATCH'ER COME DOWN - Grantsville's Old Town Hall And Fire Station Demolished

The lot is now home to Ginos Pizza and Tudors Biscuit World.

Aug. 2006 -Grantsville's old town hall and fire station (circa 1960s) bit the dust Saturday.

The buildings were the second and third structures to be demolished in the town within the past week. The old Stump building on High Street has been demolished, to be replaced by a commercial building.

Worker's furnished by Grantsville businessman Jim Morris did the volunteer work, leveling both structures.

Morris says the site will be cleared of tons of debris.

Mayor Wilbert Kerby says the area will become a fenced-in green space, an area that could be used for a new town hall if funding would become available.

Meanwhile, the town offices are located in the court house complex.


Photos by Steve Heath, Gaylen Duskey and Bob Weaver