Submitted by Brenda McBride

The CCCOA Choir enjoyed singing to their neighbors at Gilmer County during their "Visit Your Neighbors" tour on Thursday, January 26th

Special Speaker, Congressman Alan B. Mollohan, addressed the crowd. He mentioned that his father was a graduate of Calhoun County and his mother and wife were formerly from Gilmer County. Congressman Mollohan was on hand to listen to seniors concerns and suggestions about state issues

Calhoun Seniors visiting their neighbors were, Betty Curry, Guy Boggs, Betty Boggs, Chink Roberts, Barb Roberts, Vieva Church, Phyllis Whipkey, Dorothy Dye, Mary Umstead, Harold Richards, Sharon Sampson, Margaret Cunningham, Peggy Cain, Madaline Moore, Loretta Siers, Orma Connard, Ruby McHenry, Irene Conrad, Phyllis Hashman, Darrell Hashman, (Drivers) Roy Pursley, Kelly Grogg and (Escort) Cindy Cottrell