
New 180 foot tower will be located just behind the center

Steve Health and Ryan Bremar working on inside walls

Calhoun's 911 Director Dave Johnson said work is moving ahead on the county's new communication center behind Calhoun Middle-High School.

"It's a project that has risen with the help of lots of hard work and community effort. A long time coming, but it will be a great improvement for the county," he said.

This past weekend, several volunteers were painting, pounding nails and completing a rest room in the building.

The Calhoun Commission just received a second check for $52,192 to complete the financing on a 180 foot free-standing tower to be erected behind the center.

Completion money is coming from a tax implemented on cell phones.

Johnson said the bid has already been given, waiting on better weather to erect the tower.

He said efforts are being made to get a cell phone provider to use the tower, a service which certainly needs improvement in the county.

Meanwhile, a contractor is surveying the county, making efforts to complete the E-911 mapping and addressing project.

"Hopefully, the a move to the communication center and the E-911 project will all come together soon," Johnson said.

911 Director Dave Johnson readies self to work in attic ...

... while Burl Postalwaite does interior painting