Arnoldsburg Eagles - by Amber Wilford

On November 7, 2005 Arnoldsburg Eagles started their meeting with the installation. Installation is when your 4-H leader calls your name and what officer you are and then you take a candle and light it on the other one. Here is what we voted: President—Amy Ashley; Vice President—Drew Metheney; Secretary—Jordan Mace; Treasurer—Ashley Houchin; Reporter—Amber Wilford; Game Leader—Hannah Wilson; Song Leader—Sarah Postalwait.

The Eagles then started their regular meeting, by calling roll and shared their favorite Thanksgiving food. Then, we said the American Pledge and the 4-H Pledge. The songs were led by Sarah Postalwait with the old favorite: West Virginia Boys and Girls, and A Boy and a Girl. Poem recited by Arla Lane called, Out of the Vast. The other poem led by Kenzie Laughlin (No name for poem.) The Eagles then looked over the 4-H Handbooks.

Hannah Wilson led the game for the group called, Guess Who. After the game, we sat down again and voted for what we were going to do for Christmas. We decided to make Christmas ornaments for Minnie Hamilton Health Care. We ended with some refreshments brought by: Amber Wilford. The 4-H members of the Arnoldsburg Eagles, left with becoming new officers.

Grantsville Guppies - by Stephanie Roberts

The Grantsville Guppies met for the November meeting with JJ Bremar, President; leading the meeting. The biggest accomplishment was getting all our officers in place. They are as follows, JJ Bremar-President; Chucky Kendall-Vice President; Danielle Kendall-Secretary Treasurer; Reporter-Stephanie Roberts; Song Leader-Rebbicca Newlon; Game Leader-Valerie Barr; Health Officer-John Dodd.

We talked about the up all night and what each of us was supposed to bring for Achievement Night.

We also talked about Officers training and how good it would be for the officers to go. We made some plans for Fund Raising and talked about the guidelines for Guppies Scholarships for Camp.

Mt. Zion Cardinals - by Maria Kisner

Tuesday, November 14, the Mt. Zion Cardinals met at the Mt. Zion Methodist Church. Plans were made to take a trip to Grand Prix in South Charleston. Samantha Wilson gave her health report on Flu Vaccines and how they might be limited this year. If you cannot get one, some ways to keep healthy are to wash your hands, take vitamins, and eat a lot of protein and calories.

Anna Sampson brought up the idea of joining Heifer International for our community service project. This organization allows you to buy an animal that they then send to foreign countries where people can use them for food or money. The organization has reached a lot of people and made a difference. The next meeting will be December 8, 2005 at the Mt. Zion Methodist Church at 6:30.

Teen Leaders - by Maria Kisner

Wednesday, November 2, the Teen Leaders met out at the school. They talked about the 4-H Up All Night to be held on December 2, 2005 at the Calhoun County Park. They also planned to take a trip to the beach and attend a museum or some other historic landmark. They considered wrapping gifts for the Angel Tree as their community service project. Next meeting will be December 7, 2005 at Calhoun County Middle/High School in the life skills room during high school lunch.

Pleasant Hill Cloverbuds - by Jacob McCumbers

Last month at the Pleasant Hill Cloverbud meeting we started on our project books for the first time. The members really enjoyed it. Some project books were Crafts, Kitchen Helper, Solar System, and Flowers. After we worked on the projects the members played some games. For snack we had chips, juice, and cookies. Every member won a prize. If the member brings their project book back by May, they will get a prize.

The next months meeting will be December 13th at 3:30. The Cloverbuds sold Hot Dogs and Sausage/gravy biscuits at the Hometown Christmas Show at the Courthouse. I would like to say thanks to all the parents that helped donate items and work at the sale. I would like to say thanks to Foodland for their donation of our pop.

West Fork Mountaineers - by Ryan Ellison

West Fork Mountaineers held there regular meeting on November 14th. Jeff Himes makes a good waiter, he served us pizza at our meeting. We elected Emily Thomas to do a scrapbook and Ryan Ellison as the (How How) person. We plan to go to the Nursing Home at Big Otter on the 22nd of December to sing Christmas songs to the residents there. Our next monthly meeting will be December 19th at 6:30.

West Fork Mountaineers Cloverbuds - by Heidi Allen

The West Ford Cloverbuds 4-H Club met on November 14, 2005 with 6 members present.  Heidi Allen, Leader, started the meeting with art-n-craft time, then game time. For snacks we had pizza with cookies, chips and sprite.

  We talked about working together, or cooperation. We also read about the very first Thanksgiving and how folks at that time cooperated with each other.  Other volunteers helping were Barbara Allen, assistant, and Stephanie Allen.

The Calhoun County Extension Office will be closed for the Christmas Holiday December 23, 2005—January 3, 2006