COUNTY 4-H LEADERS HOLD TRAINING SESSION - Club Officers Learn Leadership Duties


By Maria Kisner, Stephanie Roberts, and Amber Wilford

On a sunny Saturday morning, the Mt. Zion United Methodist Church parking lot was full of cars. Club Leaders met to teach 4-H officers' training.

The training is to help 4-H officers learn how to lead a good club and accomplish their goals.

The meeting began with Maggie Bennett leading the group in active songs such as, Grey Squirrel. County Extension Agent, Jeff Himes, led a game promoting teamwork.

The officers broke up into small groups, to learn specific information about their duties. Kelley Houchin taught the roll of President and Vice President; Diana Shook taught Secretary; Jeff Himes taught Treasurer; Maggie Bennett taught Song Leader; Sandy McCumbers taught Game Leader; and Nancy Bremar taught Reporter.

David Weaver was the photographer for the day. Thirty-nine 4-H officers and club leaders left after having gained much knowledge and information.