We dust off those Shining Star awards, polish them brightly, for several who deserve special recognition.

Many people in Calhoun County and the area are community minded, generous and dedicated. The Hur Herald staff would like to recognize those individuals and groups for all they do. We ask our readers to submit names of individuals or groups, along with a brief description of why they are Shining Stars.

Submit your entries to bob@hurherald.com

- A Shining Star goes to the people of Calhoun County, while suffering their own problems, reached out to victims of Hurricane Katrina in Mississippi and to folks who suffered losses during a flash flood on the upper West Fork.

- A Shining Star goes to the committee and volunteers who labored to put on the 38th annual WV Molasses Festival at Arnoldsburg.

- A Shining Star goes to Calhoun bus driver Joe Taylor who assisted in the rescue of a Walker Road family during the recent flood. (See story on 9/7/05).

- A Shining Star goes to those who assisted in the rescue of Kay Izzi from her flooded car on Oka Road, following a flash flood that struck the area. While it was a team effort, Stars go to Brian Maack, Roger Bailey, Eddie Manns, Jeff Jarvis, Steve Sears, and the numerous volunteer firefighters who saved her life. (See story on 8/30/05)