By Nancy Bremar

  The Grantsville Guppies met for an organizational meeting on September 8, 2005. Three members signed-up, JJ Bremar, Caleb Schoolcraft and Danielle Kendall. The meeting was led by Sandy McCumbers and her assistant Nancy Bremar.

Members were asked to decide on a time for the meetings. The Guppies will now meet the first Thursday of each month from 4 to 5 p.m. at the Calhoun County Courthouse.

Each member was presented with a notebook to keep track of all their club activities, they filled out their enrollment cards and selected project topics for the upcoming year.

It was decided that the Guppies will adopt a family from the Gulf. A single mom and her 2 children ages 3 and 6 were selected. During the next meeting the group will purchase items for the family.

The next meeting will be on October 7th from 4-5 p.m. at the Calhoun County Courthouse. New and previous members are encouraged to attend.

An individual of 4-H age may enroll in and carry 4-H membership in only one state and one county. The individual can join when he/she is in at least the third grade and/or 9 years of age (Example: a child can join 4-H if he/she is 8 years of age and will reach his/her 9th birthday during the current 4-H club year), and will not be eligible for membership if he/she reaches his/her 21st birthday on or before December 31 of the current 4-H year.