
We now have two national disasters, but help is on the way.

The first when hurricane Katrina hit our soil with record force, creating a swath of destruction unknown to America.

The second is the lack of leadership in responding to the tragedy, and the disgraceful effort to rescue the men, women and children who are sick and dying in Louisiana and Mississippi.

Word, words, words without action from Washington and state officials.

In New Orleans, Fox News reporter Shepherd Smith sparred with TV talker Bill O'Reilly, saying the relief effort is disgraceful. After O'Reilly began to smooth it over, an angry Smith said "You're not here," to see the desperation.

Four days into the disaster MSNBC reporter Joe Scarborough said he and his wife organized their own delivery of supplies to Biloxi, yet to see "all those things officials said were happening," or spot a National Guardsman.

Scarborough, a strong supporter of the Bush administration, said this is the worst thing he has ever seen, considering the nation's great resources that could have been mobilized.

Marooned refugees and their leaders erupted in frustration over the slow pace of rescue operations yesterday as New Orleans sank deeper into Third World conditions and the Gulf Coast languished in ruins.

Why, they asked on day four of what could be the nation's worst natural disaster, is it taking so long for the helpless to be pulled from the city?

Why hasn't there been a massive, visible federal response? Why isn't there more food and fresh water dropped in New Orleans and along the battered coast?

Driven to near madness after waiting for transportation out of New Orleans for days, some refugees took to violence, firing potshots at relief helicopters. One marooned hospital doctor called journalists in a desperate plea for rescue some of his ailing patients.

The hurricane experts shook their heads in disgust and futility, much of it directed at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Whatever happened to massive military support and the construction of tent cities?

Do America's leaders have dumbed-down abilities or have they lost their soul.

We pray the American people have not.