The cutting of long-time Carl Perkins Funding by the Bush Administration to the Calhoun-Gilmer Career Center would put a $22,000 dent in the school's budget, according to principal John Bennett, who is also treasurer of the West Virginia Council of Vocational Administrators.

"Perkins funding has been in place since the 60s," said Bennett, who said such cuts will hurt vo-tech programs in West Virginia.

Both Gilmer County schools and Calhoun Middle-High School could also lose funds which support vo-tech students.

Bennett said the proposed cuts in Perkins funding will shift funds away from career and technical education programs that are proven to work and will reduce or eliminate the matching funds that have been provided to career and technical education through state departments of education.

Bennett just came back from Washington where he was advocating for tech program funding.

Proposed Bush budget cuts affect nearly 100 educational programs nationwide. Cuts are proposed because of a national deficit running in the trillions of dollars.

Some of the Perkin's funding could be restored, concluded Bennett.