By Alvin Engelke

By Alvin Engelke

The Creston auction will be held on Saturday January 8 starting at 6 P. M. at the Community Building. Everyone is welcome. It will be a fine time to come and swap New Year's resolutions, visit and snatch up some bargains. Last time Bobby Ray had some of the special bacon.

Wilbur Scheinerlien , Jane & Anna Engelke and Keith Collins were all calling at the Engelke residence at Christmas time.

Mr. & Mrs. Todd Rhodes and Mr. & Mrs. Tim Rhodes and families were calling in Creston.

Mr. & Mrs. Don Rhodes was calling on C. Glen Arthur.

Momma Nut Hut is again recuperating after it was thought that she had a stroke.

Juanita Bell is home after being hospitalized for an infection.

Hallie Cunningham has been on the sick list.

Rev. Wm. Delmas Stutler had a heart attack and is scheduled to have a stint installed in a Charleston hospital. He had been scheduled for a trip to Bolivia.

Jack Dobbins passed away after suffering a stroke.

It was reported that some of the women in the community are planning a baby shower later in the winter or early in the spring.

Santa visited Pat Nida, C. Glen Arthur and several other area folks.

The comely brunette with the sparkle in her eye was on the sick list but took in Christmas with family, friends and a special friend.

Of course there is the story about "Pop Can" and the milk cow. Several have already heard.

The Sassy Storekeeper had a special birthday upon the occasion of her breaking through one of those big numbers in life. She received a special singing telephone call and some special nuts.

The Old Furniture Salesman and Chris Nicholas are planning a big trip to South Dakota to hunt prairie dogs. It was learned that they are planning to take 1000 rounds of ammo. One might say that is filling the freezer a few ounces at a time.

Holly Parsons, Mike Graham and the crew were in Creston and fixed a sinkhole in the Richardsonville road.

Gay Park reported that she obtained some rolls from the Amish folks on Right Reedy to serve for Christmas Dinner.

Mr. & Mrs. Roy Lee Mace, Mr. & Mrs. Freddie Bumgarner and Susan Smith were calling on friends on Goose Nest the last day of the year.

The talk in Creston as it is everywhere is the earthquake and tsunami that has killed hundred of thousands in Asia and Africa. This may well be the biggest death toll from flooding since the door was closed on Noah's ark. The center of the quake was near Aceh on the Island of Sumatra which was moved 100 feet by the quake. Previously Aceh was known primarily because the Moslems (the religion of peace) there had declared open season on Christians.

It used to be taught in grade school that when there was a big earthquake under the ocean there would be a big wave (tsunami) and before worldwide communication many were killed. In today's world of instant communication most could have been saved if the sultans, emirs, maharajahs and grandees who rule in those parts had seen fit to call the satraps in the various provinces and tell them to get people to higher ground. In Thailand (Siam) the powers that be decided against warning anyone "as a courtesy to the tourist trade". That country is "famous" for the sex tourist business, among other things.

It was noted that no animals were caught in the water and it was later learned that a group that was described "as living in the stone age" on some remote islands went to high ground and were not harmed either. Certainly there is a distinct message there that isn't rocket science.

The "It's all America's Fault Crowd" blamed the troubles on the United States and the so-called global warming. It is hard to imagine the audacity that someone would think that anyone could modify plate tectonics and stop or stop earthquakes. Studies of geology show that (before a lot of movement of the earth's crust) once the distance from Burning Springs to Washington, D. C. was 400 miles longer than it is now. One can bet that the earth was "rockin" then. Many of the best oil and gas fields lay along old fault lines.

A total of 30 children, in-laws, grand children & great grandchildren were visiting Dorothy Graham over the holidays. They included Betty Jo & Tom Lemon, Gina, Dale, Cori, Logan, Madison, Tom Jr., Pam Lane & Trey Lemon, Kristi & Leonard Gilchrist, Ruth & Dale Schrader, Angie, Tim, Mike, Megan & Molly Kemp, Aimee, Reggie, Austin & Ethan Grimmett, Amanda & Toby Ray, Mary & Boyd Schrader, Mike, Steve & P. E. Graham. Sons Roger & Tony called her and she received many nice gifts including a 1930s model record player.

Those with their ear to what is happening down at the Mouth of the Elk River report that the new tone from that section will be to punish those party members who did not back the eventual leader in the primary, etc. One observer stated, "Sounds like old time politics to me."

Someone dropped off a black tom cat with white chin and paws (a Sylvester type) at the Engelke residence. He would make someone a nice kitty.

Someone said that Danny Blather was a contender for the Joseph Goebbels award for honest journalism although there was a lot of competition during 2004.

Robert Lee Phillips had a big birthday celebration on December 31. While, nowadays, he is seldom seen in a tux he is still a handsome dude who makes all the wimmen turn their heads although some might say they turn their heads to look the other way.

Auction Saturday, January 8, starting at 6 P. M. at the Creston Community Building. Pepperoni, cheese, 50/50, etc. Bobby Ray Starcher 890-05. For details call Donna Sue at 275-3202.