By Alvin Engelke

By Alvin Engelke

There will be a free poker run Saturday, October 9, starting at 5 P. M. at the Creston Community Building. This will be a "Thank You" run for all those who rode in the previous rides with goodies provided by the Creston Community. There will be a 50/50 with two winners, one for each half. Everyone is welcome.

Jack Nutter and Jerald McKown went on the ATV poker run up on Beech where the Johnson girl died in the accident. Local residents were saddened by that tragedy.

Lorraine M. Russell, age 80, passed away in Parkersburg. She was born in Burning Springs, the daughter of the late William & Ella Hodgen Woodring. She was known locally as Daisy Wix's sister.

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Ferrell were visiting up in Ohio over the weekend.

Rev. Paul Williams brought the message at the Burning Springs M. E. church.

Donna Shortt & Bernadette Kinson were visiting Joe & Eva G. Pennington on Burning Springs Run. Donna is her sister and Bernadette is Donna's neighbor.

Several area residents participated in and visited the second annual Pioneer Day in Elizabeth. While the day started out wet, the sun came out to make a fine day. Local residents said the event was a big success. Several finished up their day by attending the Creston auction. Suellen Butcher made a tasty cake for the auction and everyone loved Bessie Arthur's special Creston hot dog sauce. The next auction will be November 6.

Japanese stilt grass, a toxic exotic pest that did not get cut or pulled up by the roots is now seeding which will make for worse infestations next year. Each plant will yield about 1000 seeds to spread and kill more native plants, young trees, etc.

Mr. & Mrs. Cleveland Starcher and family were calling in Creston Saturday evening.

Gina London of Denver Colorado who attended the Creston homecoming said she had a fun time in Creston. She also mentioned Glenn Campbell, who despite being a young 90, wanted to go to Denver to see Gina. Glenn was stationed there during World War II.

The price of local Penn grade crude rose to $46.50/bbl. When adjusted for inflation the price of oil has been higher at other times in the past.

Some folks from Parkersburg were looking to purchase the old Kirby place and someone told them that water did not get up where the old house stood that Wally Board tore down.

Runion the Buckeye logger that has been hauling good logs out of Honey Run hauled out some more dandies. His big loads are breaking up the Richardsonville Road. Local residents hope that he is made to fix what he tore up on his road to big profits.

The gendarmes were called when a certain fellow would not leave a family member alone.

Folks are still talking about the big pipe replacement job when W. Va. 5 was closed at Still Run. The news about it and the impact of Route 5 being closed seems to be like the ripples made when a rock is tossed in the water. The wave impact continues to go on & on.

Jim Bush was in Creston moving roll bales.

Politics continues to be one of the hot topics. Those who want to kill babies are scrambling to come up with nicer words to describe their stands but the best new ad is likely the "non hunting poodle dog".

Mrs. Robert Butcher who formerly lived at Freeport called from Florida to say they were all right but that Robert was somewhere in West Virginia.

Mt. St. Helens is at it again out in Oregon. A recent earthquake out west stirred up mud in Pennsylvania water sources. Some feel that seismic activity has a direct impact on local oil and gas wells