CREMO HOMECOMING HOLDS ITS OWN - Familiar Faces Enjoy Afternoon


The long table holds tasty country food

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sturm and four children, and "one on the way"

"The Great Speckled Bird" better known as "Windy" Cooper

Basil and "Bubby" Brown tune up for afternoon gospel music

The annual Cremo Homecoming "held its own" last Sunday with most of the familiar faces coming home to enjoy "dinner on the ground" plus an afternoon of gospel music and preaching.

Notable at the homecoming is the long table with a spread of food that won't quit.

Cremo was named for a cigar, and was the location of an early Calhoun post office, the Duskey Store and lodge hall, the old building is still standing.

The Cremo Community Church has been given a face lift and resurrection in recent years.

A little rasslin' behind the church

A place by the creek on a warm Sunday

A little more of that ice cream ...

Movin' up to Heaven on lower Rowel's