GRANTSVILLE GETS AUDIT REPORT - Engineers Sought For New Town Hall Project

Extracted From Council Minutes

Grantsville's Town Council met on June 7 to conduct business, with four council members present.

Hagan Richards appeared before the council to seek a letter of support for the construction of 25-30 housing units using the old Calhoun County High School building, which was purchased by he and his son. Council complied to his request.

Frank Venezia, who heads the Town Hall Committee, reported that the council had authorized the committee to seek grants. He had contacted Tim Meeks with the MOVRC regarding a $30,000-$50,000 grant from the USDA.

Venezia said $3000 for the town hall project from the state is forthcoming, and suggested the raising of private funds would be helpful to the project.

The committee will be interviewing three engineering firms. Venezia said he was hopeful the firms would defer payment until funds are secured.

Venezia sought approval to mail out 500 letters to former Calhoun County High School Alumni to seek donations on a town hall. Approval was granted.

Charles Whipkey was granted permission to set up a table at the alumni homecoming on July 3rd to solicit donations.

The town's billing clerk advised the council that a new rule will go into effect on June 12 concerning termination of water and sewage service. The rule calls for the service to become delinquent on the 21st day, with a termination notice being sent allowing 10 days for payment. Service can be terminated on the 32nd day.

Former Mayor Gary Knight asked Mayor Blankenship if there was any truth to the rumor he was considering eliminating the public forum part of the council meeting.

The mayor said he would like to keep the forum if it could be kept to a minimum of 15 minutes and people would not shout for an hour or so.

Knight said he did not believe the town could compel any resident to sign up for trash service, stating he had understood this was being done.

Recorder Phyllis Maze said that a letter had been sent with every bill. and if a resident did not want service they should come to the office and it would be taken care of.

Robert Petrosky made comments about Mill Street and the stop sign.

Diane Bailey said there had been people at the basketball court late at night using foul language and that she had called Chief Ron Gordon who told her the mayor said it was ok if they wanted to play basketball all night.

There was discussion regarding closing the park, but the issue was tabled, requesting the town policemen more actively patrol the area.

Citizen Nancy Bremer asked if all town employees were treated the same, and the mayor responded that some do not have insurance.

The mayor reported on several issues, including the fact that the pumps were not covered by insurance, in response to a question raised by Rose Knight.

Blankenship said Police Chief Ron Gordon was not at Annamoriah with the State Police doing a road check, in response to a question issued by Judy Powell.

He reported that WalMart donated $1000 to the swimming pool and the Knott's United Methodist Church donated $600. He thanked everyone who helped make the Wood Festival a success.

Phyllis Maze reported that she had received the 2002-03 audit. The report made several suggestions regarding management practices.

The town moved ahead with a final reading on increasing the town's water and sewage rates.

The town approved $500 to help sponsor the Little Kanawha Bus Company.

Council approved the appointment of Cheryl Davis to fill a vacancy.

A motion was passed regarding budget revisions.

A motion was passed regarding collecting information regarding a Neighborhood Watch.

Council continued business to June 14th to approve budgets for the water and sewer department.