By Alvin Engelke

By Alvin Engelke

There will be a benefit auction Saturday April 3, starting at 6 P. M. at the Creston Community Building. There will be all sorts of good stuff and proceeds will go to maintain the old school house which is now the community building. Last month's auction didn't happen because the river came up and blocked the road and several folks are just plain out of yummy cheese, tasty pepperoni, etc. There will likely even be a few folks out and about campaigning for votes in the hotly contested primary election.

There will be a revival March 31 through April 4, starting at 7 P. M. each evening at the Burning Springs M. E. church. The programs and singing will be uplifting and all are welcome. Rev. Juanita Lockhart and Rev. Gladson Grim were out and about in the area calling on residents.

Rev. Juanita Lockhart filled her regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. church on Sunday.

Amy N. Ferrell and Sam Jones attended the FBLA competition in Charleston where they both placed well.

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Pennington of Burning Springs moved, at long last, into their beautiful new log home. Mrs. Pennington is looking for anyone who has any old books or records for the Burning Springs United Methodist Church. She has been trying to reconstruct membership lists, etc.

The Creston Community Association will hold its regular monthly meeting at 7 P. M. on Tuesday, April 6. The first big Creston ATV poker run is scheduled for April 17. It should be a fun time and a fun route.

Mr. & Mrs. David Tenbarge attended her Aunt Lessie Larch's funeral. Aunt Lessie, who was Chester Starcher's sister, was just short of being 104.

The Wirt road crew spent some more time on Ann's Run removing the big slip. They also removed some small ones on the Richardsonville Road and elsewhere in the area.

Anna Engelke, Jessica Potter, Dina Hallow & Angela Swenson went to Wheeling and got the "Wheeling Feeling". They visited Oglebay Park and River City. They then we nt shopping at the waterfront in Pittsburgh and visited the famous chocholate place, Sarris Candies, in Cannonsburg, Pennsylvania. Anna's next big adventure is having her wisdom teeth extracted for a mere $840.00.

Matt Copen, Richard McFall and the Old Lizard were among those calling on Mr. & Mrs. Carl Ferrell & family.

Bear Yoak and Geek have been continuing their visits in the Creston area. While they may be computer experts, some local PCs continue to mis and malfunction. One local computer owner has threatened to run Geek over in the driveway.

The spring peepers have been making a lot of amphibious music in the ephemeral swamps in the local area. Of course the little critters do not live in wetlands which, of course, cannot be touched. George Washington, father of our country, believed that swamps, however, should be drained. Forsythia, blue bells and lots of other beautiful spring flowers are now out. The United States Department of Agriculture's multiflora rose is already growing, perhaps as a reminder that if the Mohammaden crazies don't get us the Communist Chinese are still in line, waiting. Another Asian import, the government ladybugs (Asiatic beetles) continue to be pests as they leave their hibernation spots in homes, churches and other places.

Nancy Hall is scheduled to meet with her physician to get her test results.

Keith Collins has accepted a position teaching English in Italy this summer. He spent the weekend with some of his scholars in Williamsburg and got to follow the bus at 55 mph.

Some local residents attended the summary report by the team that visited Elizabeth & Wirt County looking for ways to improve the community. Anna Reno was one of the movers & shakers in the operation and provided a place for two of the team workers to stay during the visit. Many positive suggestions were made and some interesting facts were learned. Some Creston buildings were also viewed and forms were provided for the proposed listing of historical facilities. Local folks didn't know that the government health clinic in Elizabeth does not have to worry about medical malpractice since it is a special federal facility. Also the welfare folks pay the clinic more or medicare and medicaid visits that are paid private physicians who are operating a regular or private practice, paying taxes, insurance premiums, etc.

Sam McCumbers the oil man who is quite well known locally made the high society pages in the Spencer paper on the occassion of his marrying the comely Mary Beth Carr. Sam works for Thomas Nutt, a Virginia oil & gas wheeler dealer.

Speaking of wheeler dealers, it was learned that Kentucky oil promoter Martin Twist is starting a new Trenton/Black River well at Kenna in Jackson County on Monday.

The price of local crude oil dropped to $32.50. The price of gasolene which, for the most part, comes from lower grades of crude oil does not seem to be reflecting the price of the raw material.

Nancy Engelke has been undergoing tests at various medical facilities.

Auction at Creston Community Building Saturday April 3 starting at 6 P. M. All sorts of goodies, cheese, pepperoni, etc. Bobby Ray Starcher 890-03. For details call Donna Sue at 275-3202.