Submitted by Donnie Price

An awards assembly is scheduled for February 13th at 1:30 p.m. in the Arnoldsburg Gym to recognize students for their academic and attendance achievements.

Parent-Teacher Conference February 24 from 4 to 7 p.m. Forms were sent home February 10th. Parents please select a time that best suits your schedule and return to the teacher.

February 27th, from 8-10 a.m., teachers will be offering intense instruction for students in specific subject areas. In lieu of this being a non instructional day, parents will need to provide transportation to and from the school. Please contact your child's teacher or the office for further information.

Yearbook Orders were sent home January 13th. Cost of the Yearbooks will be $10. Orders will be taken until February 26th. If you have questions please call the school at 655-8616.

We invite you to visit the Arnoldsburg School website at