FRNews - Workforce Report, Officers Elected

By Sandy Osborne

The January meeting of the Calhoun County Family Resource Network included a presentation by the Human Resource Development Foundation(HRDF) and the Work Force WV Office, updates on Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Survey and the community resource directory, election of board and officers, and committee reports.

The featured presentation was given by Doug Wine and Jennifer Anderson. Doug introduced Work Force West Virginia, by giving some background on the Work Force Investment Act. This is a federal program which gives money to the state. Its main objective is to get people back to work.

There are 17 mandated partners and nine county offices. The Work Force Investment Board oversees the spending and use of money provided by grants and the Department of Labor monitors the programs. Brochures outlining available services were provided, with one brochure for employers and one for customers. There are two types of services offered.

The core services, available for anyone, include computers, with assistance available for resumes, cover letters, job searches, interviewing techniques, etc. Individuals are given an orientation, assigned a case worker, and tested to determine interest and skills.

The primary focus is to look for long term effect and permanent employment. There are also intensive services for which there is an eligibility determination for adults and is income based.

A worker that is dislocated/ laid off, is automatically eligible. Individuals are assigned a Work Force professional who determines skills and education needed. The program will pay up to $8000 for education and training.

Labor market information identifying jobs on the increase, are prime areas to develop worker skills.

They also determine what training providers are in the area. To help the individual overcome barriers, a per diem amount is available from $12 to $20, depending on the need.

Once a person is employed, they are kept in the program and followed for a year, with support given as needed. On the job training is available in some areas, if skills fit. Jennifer Anderson briefly described the Youth Advantage Program. This program is designed to join in-school and out-of-school youth with HRDF staff to explore careers, and to develop skills, a strong work ethic, community involvement, and leadership. The program creates a road map to achieve individual goals, preparing youth for the workforce.

Greg Cartwright and Sandy Osborne reported on efforts to update the community resource directory. Computer teacher, Karen Kirby, will be using work on the directory as a service project and a learning experience for students, allowing them to exercise leadership and decision making, as they work together on formatting and preparing the directory to launch on-line. Establishing a FRN web page is also underway.

Previously, Calhoun County participated in a community needs assessment, on Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs, was conducted by the WV Prevention Resource Center (WVPRC), with assistance from several counties in the state. An update received from WVPRC, showed that Calhoun County was the fourth highest in the state with survey responses. With the number of responses that were collected, the FRN expects to receive county specific data.

Annual election of board and officers was held, re-electing Norma Collins, Greg Cartwright, Crystal Kendall, and Eric Duranti. Officers are Rev. Peig Schmitz, chair, Mariko Hewitt, vice chair, Crystal Kendall, secretary, and Susan Newell, treasurer.

Under committee reports, Peig Schmitz reported that the Literacy Program is looking for someone to head the program in this area. A salary of $2800 is available for a part time coordinator. Call Shelly Allen at the Career Center, 354-6151, with recommendations or if interested in the position.

The Calhoun FRN invites all community members to attend regular monthly meetings, held the first Monday of each month, 9:30 a.m. at the FRN office, located under J&B Drug Store, at the corner of Court and Mill Streets.

- Submitted by Sandy Osborne, FRN Coordinator 354-7177