PLEASANT HILL SCHOOL PTO COOKBOOK SALE Recipes are from students, parents, family, friends and faculty of Pleasant Hill Elementary School ORDER FORM Make checks payable to: Pleasant Hill School PTO Please be sure to use only blue or black ink when writing your check Return order form to: Pleasant Hill Elementary School PTO HC 68 Box 2 Grantsville, WV 26147 304-354-6022 Please send _____ copies of this cookbook at $10.00 each. If you do not have a child at the school for us to send your order home with we will place a notice on the Hur Herald and in the Calhoun Chronicle letting you know when and where to pick up your order. If you will not be able to pick your order up once it comes in we can mail your order for an additional $3.00 per cookbook for postage and handling. Name Address City________________ State_______________ Zip Code______ Telephone #___________(PLEASE INCLUDE A CONTACT NUMBER SO THAT WE MAY CONTACT YOU TO PICK UP YOUR ORDER) Name of student to send your order home with _________________________ Student’s teacher_____________________________________________________ This cookbook will make an ideal gift for you family and friends. It is perfect for birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, showers, weddings, etc. Delivery is scheduled to be in time for Mother’s Day!! Thank you for your support of our school!!